Having a stock of emergency food and supplies is important, but it tends to take up a lot of space. Not only does it take up a lot of space, it also needs to be stored in a certain way, or it can become damaged by temperatures, light, pests, humidity, and other things.
If a disaster strikes, the last thing you want is to discover that your emergency food supplies are ruined because they were not stored properly. Here, we will look at why steel buildings are the best choice for storing your emergency food supplies.
Why steel buildings are best for storing your emergency food supplies
Let’s find out here why steel buildings are the best choice for storing your emergency food supplies.
Steel has perfect storage conditions
You need to have your emergency food supplies stored in a cool, dry place that does not have much fluctuation in temperature or humidity. Ideally, the food storage area needs a temperature between 32°F and 70°F, but with cooler, you can make it better. Your supplies must also be somewhere bugs, and pests cannot get to.
As long as your steel building is well insulated, the temperature can be regulated so that you will store your supplies safely. You can also get an HVAC system for your steel building to ensure the temperature stays where it needs to be.
Steel buildings can be customized
A steel building is customizable, so you can design it to hold everything you need when you set up your storage space. You can add shelves to the building and set it up like a grocery store aisle if you want to, giving you even more storage options. You cannot store your food on the floor because it is harder to regulate the temperature than on a shelf. The bottom shelf needs to be at least two feet off the floor. Make sure you bolt the shelves to the walls, ceilings, and floor and that the shelves are heavy-duty. Otherwise, you risk the shelves collapsing and ruining your supplies.
If you have an emergency refrigerator or freezer, do not store it with your other supplies. This is because these appliances can alter the temperature of the room. However, if you have a steel building for emergency supplies, you can set up a separate room for the fridge or freezer.
Steel is safe from pests and rodents
One of the biggest concerns when storing emergency food is keeping bugs and rodents out. Since steel is not an organic material, mice cannot chew their way in, and bugs cannot get in either. Therefore, you do not have to worry about is pests destroying your food stores.
Of course, you should still store everything in containers that pests cannot get into if a mouse or bug manages to sneak into your steel building when the door is open. You want your emergency supplies to be as safe as possible.
Steel is a durable material
Steel is the most durable building material out there, and it has survived hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. If there is a natural disaster, you want to ensure your supplies do not get damaged during it, and one of the best ways to protect your supplies is with a steel building.
While there is no 100% guarantee that your steel building will be completely undamaged after a natural disaster, it is much more likely to survive with minimal damage than a wooden or concrete building. Considering how important your supplies are to get you through your emergency, you want to give them the best chance to survive, which means investing in a steel building.
You can also use your steel building as an emergency shelter so that everything you need is in one place.
Steel is secure
It is much easier to break into a wooden shed to steal supplies than a steel shed. You can have it set with a combination lock, a biometric lock, or a traditional lock and key. No matter how you do it, you need to ensure that if there are looters, they cannot get to your supplies.
Emergency food storage tips
Now that you know why steel is the perfect building for storing your emergency food storage supplies, let’s look at some other tips for your emergency supplies.
Planning your emergency food supplies
When planning out your emergency food stores, aim for a three-day supply of food and water for each person. You also want to focus on food that does not require refrigeration since the power might be out. Finally, try to package things in a single serving or meal to cover everyone relying on these supplies. You might not have a refrigerator to store your leftovers in, so it is best to avoid them.
We also recommend to stock food you normally eat and a few treats and snacks. Trying a bunch of new foods in the middle of a crisis can be frustrating. You want to avoid salty food because that will make you thirsty and go through your water too quickly. Canned food can last forever as long as the can is not damaged, and you can use it for cooking and eating out. So, it is a great thing to store for emergency supplies. Ensure you have a couple of can openers in your supplies, too, to open them.
Types of food to store
Some things are going to store better than others, so these are some great things to keep in your supplies:
- Water: one gallon per person per day.
- Canned foods
- Dried and smoked meats
- Dried fruits and vegetables
- Juice
- Powdered, canned, or evaporated milk
- Staples: salt, pepper, sugar, instant rice and potatoes, coffee, and tea
- Dry cereal, instant hot cereal
- Crackers, cookies, hard candy
- Food that gives you energy: peanut butter, nuts, trail mix, jelly, and granola bars
Containers to store food in
You want to put your dried foods in moisture-proof, airtight containers like glass jars, plastic boxes, and bags. You can use metal cans with tight lids if the food is in a bag first.
Do not leave food in cardboard boxes and paper bags. If something happens to your food storage building, those are the first things that will begin to mold or attract pests. Instead, either put the entire box into an airtight container or open it and pour it into that container.
You also want to store your toilet paper and other paper goods in a container like this so that they will not get destroyed by pests if you are not using a steel building to store your emergency supplies.
If you keep emergency supplies in your refrigerator or freezer and the power goes out, avoid opening them as much as possible. Each time you open the door, more of the cold air escapes. Most refrigerators can keep food safe for about six hours, and a freezer can last up to two days, depending on how full it is.
If you are unsure if something is still safe to eat, throw it out. It is not worth the risk to your health if it goes bad.
Final Thoughts
When planning out storing your emergency food and supplies, you might be tempted to use your garage or basement. But, these will not keep your food as safe as a steel building will. By storing everything in a steel building, it is more likely to survive a natural disaster. Your supplies will be more secure, pests and rodents cannot get in, and you can control the temperature and humidity of the building to store food at optimal conditions. You want your supplies to be safe if you ever need them, and a steel building is your best bet.
About the Author
Auz Burger is a freelance writer and an expert in steel buildings. She has a BA from Washington State University and has been writing and editing professionally for over a decade.