Cancer is arguably the most overwhelming diagnosis you can get from your doctor. But during this uncertain and frightening time, knowing what you can expect can help ease some of your anxiety. This post will guide you through what you can expect during your initial visit to your oncology office, as well as future meetings with your care team and treatment options.
Things to Expect at Your First Oncology Visit
When You First Arrive
When you first visit your oncology office, you will likely meet with a receptionist and get started on necessary paperwork. Be sure to bring files with your insurance information, medical history, and a list of current medications. This may take some time, so try to arrive early.
The time you spend at an oncology office will vary, so it’s best to be as prepared as possible. Try to leave bulky bags, jewelry, and valuables at home, as they’re not needed for your appointment. If you like, you may want to bring along a book, a puzzle book, or something else you love to keep you occupied while you wait to meet with your care team.
Discussing Your Diagnosis
Once you’re checked in, you will be led to an exam room. This is where you will officially meet your oncologist. They will review your records with you, discuss your diagnosis, and explain their prescribed treatment plan for you. As you talk with them, be sure to ask any questions you may have so they can address any concerns. Don’t forget that your oncologist is going to be there for you every step of the way.
Depending on your diagnosis, your first visit may cover information on various forms of treatment, including chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy, or a combination of these. No matter what you’re diagnosed with, your oncologist will work with you to develop a plan that is tailored to your specific needs. Again, be sure to communicate with your team so that you understand what you’re going to be experiencing and that you feel as comfortable as possible.
Meeting Your Team
Your oncologist won’t be working alone. Typically, they have a team behind them, and you may meet them during your first visit. These team members can consist of nurses, social workers, nutritionists, and therapists. Each plays an important role in your care and provides necessary support to help you navigate your treatment. Remember that these people are here for you, so don’t be afraid to ask for their help at any time.
To make the most of your team, be sure to be open and honest from the get-go. Bring up any concerns or questions you have, and be completely transparent about your medical history and any symptoms you’re feeling. By building a strong relationship with your team, you’re sure to receive the best possible care.
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Scheduling Follow-Up Appointments
Your first visit may feel pretty overwhelming, and that’s to be expected. But don’t forget to schedule follow-ups and tests before you leave. Staying on top of your cancer treatment plan will benefit everyone involved. Your team is here to support you every step of the way, so don’t forget that.
Keeping track of follow-ups, symptoms, and questions can be a challenge. To help make this easier on yourself, you may want to set up reminders on your phone or calendar for peace of mind. Consider asking a friend or family member to come with you as well, as they can help buoy you up and take notes during your appointments.
No matter what happens, don’t be afraid to reach out to your oncology team at any time. They’ll be more than happy to address any concerns and provide reassurance as needed—it’s what they do!
When You Get Home
With your first oncology office visit done, be sure to head home and take it easy. Prioritizing your health and happiness has never been more important. You can start by resting in bed, thinking through medication and treatment plans prescribed to you, and discussing lifestyle changes with your family. It will be a scary and confusing time for everyone involved, so be patient as you all adjust.
Be sure to stay in touch with your care team and keep them updated; even the smallest things like changes in appetite and mood swings are vital to know. Remember that self-care is crucial during this time, so try not to bite off more than you can chew. Just take things one day at a time.
Tips for Future Visits to Oncology Office
Over time, your visits to the oncology office will become routine and normal. You’ll grow used to seeing your care team, and things will start to feel less overwhelming. Above all, don’t be afraid to ask questions, no matter how routine things become. Try to stay on top of your physical and mental health by taking rest breaks when needed, cutting back on stressors, and doing your best to keep yourself happy and rested. Remember that each visit to your care team is an opportunity to see your progress and make changes that could help improve your symptoms and quality of life. Don’t lose hope, stay strong, and remember that you’re not alone in this.
Your first trip to an oncology office can be overwhelming. But with the proper mindset, it can also be empowering. Knowing what to expect before you go can help you navigate this journey with confidence and courage. Remember that your care team is there to help you every step of the way, and will support you however they can. Be sure to follow their guidance and remember that you are not along. Together, you can overcome this challenge and emerge stronger. Stay positive, stay informed, and take care of yourself. You can do this!