Last year, authorities of Game Awards organized during December 2021 also announced the new game titled ARC Raiders. Game developers have revealed the game as a free-to-play shooter game. This upcoming game will satisfy the fans of both science fiction and fast-paced combat. The trailer had a generous video length with approximately three minutes of the game plot and content of the gameplay.
The Mission of ARC Raiders
The main objective of ARC Raiders is present in the game title only. Accordingly, every player has to take the role of a raider. The raiders will team up with their squads to take down ARC. Here, ARC refers to a ruthless mechanical threat that descends from space.
Releasing Date or Month
According to the updates obtained from the trailer, the game may launch anytime or any month in the year 2022. Unless things change from delays, gaming enthusiasts will get ARC Raiders right in their hands within only a year of its official announcement. Based on the advanced quality of content revealed in its trailer and the official game site, Game Awards announced ARC Raiders.
Game Consoles
The trailer highlighted during Game Rewards also revealed a few consoles, where players may avail the game easily. Accordingly, the game will launch for XIS Xbox Series, PS5, and PC. However, game developers may add many other consoles in the upcoming months as well. Moreover, the announcement or the game trailer did not mention anything on cross-play and experience one can get from a particular game console.
Along with that, ACR Raiders excluded the consoles of Xbox One and PS4. Considering this, we can say that the upcoming combat game will use the features of the next-gen console. If this is not enough, the gameplay of ARC Raiders will be dynamic.
Trailer of ARC Raiders
Until now, ARC Raiders released only one trailer in front of its players. The trailer consists of the gameplay preview with a two-in-one type of reveal. The preview involves a dramatic opening of 10 seconds in a TV screen style. The trailer also highlights radar footage with many explosive battle scenes splicing together.
Finally, the game preview reveals a protagonist appearing by wearing a helmet in the style of an astronaut. The gaming plot commences with a narration of grandiose wilderness footage and an unseen voice. The narration or the comment was, “You do not have any option to conceal from frequently falling killing machines from the sky”. After this, there were different cuts to display the actions of armed characters and the protagonist to explain the specialty of the upcoming ARC Raiders. At the last, the announcement highlights the gaming title and its release window in a comprehensive trailer.
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