WHY NASA’s Moon Rocket Artemis Launch Got Failed?

About NASA

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is a U.S. government agency that is started in 1957.

Why This Mission Is Known As Artemis?

As per Greek mythology, Artemis is the goddess of Moon. She is one of the twin sister of Apollo.

What Is The Goal of Artemis Mission?

The main goal of the Artemis program is to investigate the possibility of establishing a base on the Lunar surface.

From Where NASA is Launching Its Rocket?

NASA’s Moon Rocket launch is from Kennedy Space Center in Florida, USA.

When the launch was decided?

Launching time of Artemis was 2:17 p.m. Eastern time on September 3, 2022.

Why Launching got Failed?

Due to hydrogen leakage in the rocket’s engine section, launching program is postponed.

When will the next launching program?

As per NASA team, next aunching might take place in between September 19 to October 4 and then October 17 to 31.

For more details about the Artemis Mission visit;