Most of the colleges seek out the cream of the crop when it comes to the athletes to play for their college, no matter where it is. Myths about the athletic scholarships in USA will scare several good players away as they tend to believe them. Frequently over 50% of the myths are false as most myths are.
Let’s take a brief look at most common myths about the athletic scholarship.
Myth 1: If you play good, you will get full scholarship
One of the myths about athletic scholarships floating around & has been for a long time is if you are good enough to play in the college of your choice, you will get the full collegiate athletic scholarships. But, sadly many athletes don’t get the scholarship they want because there is always someone better right in front of them applying for the same one. Playing well in high school might get a good athlete the scholarship long before the candidate attends college.
Myth 2: If you are good enough, coaches will always find out about you.
If you are good enough, coaches will always find out about you. And, all positive things come to those who wait. In the perfect world, this is exactly what would happen. Alas, our domain is less than perfect. And, the college scholarship is too vital to leave to chance. You must be proactive.
Myth 3: You have plenty of time.
In reality, you don’t have as much as you think. Around 30% of the high school athletes are identified as student-athlete sports scholarships prospects when they are freshmen. Another 30% are identified as sophomores. And, another 45% or so are identified when they are juniors. Not that many get identified as seniors. So you do not have as much time as you think.
Myth 4: Connections & recruited
Your coach has connections & will get you recruited. Coaches’ first job is to train you – therefore you can get recruited. And they are occupied – many have teaching duties on top of their athletic duties. Not to mention families & personal lives & all the rest of it. Make sure, use the help you get access from coaches, even ask for it & leverage all connections they have. But, don’t make this your only recruiting approach.
Myth 5: College camps & exposure tournaments mean you will get noticed.
College camps & exposure tournaments mean you will get noticed. By the time, most of the college coaches get to tournaments, they have a very short list of scenarios in mind that they are watching. In the camp of 500 student-athletes, the college coach might only be seriously looking at 2 or 3. The lesson is that you have to do the work getting on the radar screens before the tournament. And, be realistic (but optimistic) about your abilities & the college tournaments you target.
Myth 6: Grades do not matter
Colleges & the NCAA have the high school course requirements & GPA/SAT/ACT minimum standards which you will need to clear. But, meeting the minimum standard the NCAA & your college set do not mean you will be able to continue to meet the required levels of academics. Plus, all things being equal between you & another prospect, and higher grades will count.
You surely want to know about these
Which sport gives the most scholarships?
Football is the best example as it offers the most student-athletes sports scholarships of any collegiate sport. But, nowadays the competition to earn the roster spot is also more than the majority of other kinds of sports. Here I am sharing a few tips on getting recruited for college basketball or an athletic scholarship.
- Get started with the process as early as you can
- Keep practicing to enhance your skills
- Focus on your study. Good grades are also important
- Get in touch with the college coaches
- Take knowledge about the rules and guidelines
- Attend the various camps and tournaments
How likely are athletes able to get scholarships?
Approx. 2% of the high school athletes are awarded athletics scholarships to compete in college. The student-athletes participating in college sports have professional leagues, out of which a few become professional athletes.
Who gets full-ride athletic scholarships?
Full-ride athletic scholarships are only given to exceptional student-athletes who are playing “headcount” sports. The six college head count sports are – Football and Men’s basketball.
Final Verdict
There are several times in your athletic life where you have to choose between athletics & education & this is a choice only you can make as the individual & it will be entirely dependent on your confidence in the athlete’s own ability in the particular chosen sport. It always assists to visit colleges in which you are interested, you have to try to time your visit so that you can see your sport being played.
Avoid applying to colleges for sports scholarships that you wouldn’t grant attending otherwise. In other words, whatever happens with a team – you still have the degree to get!